FAQs Voice Reader Web – Frequently asked questions

System requirements:

Help and Instructions:

System requirements of Voice Reader Web

1. System requirements

  • on your web server: none
  • on the client PC:
    1. Voice Reader Web works with current web browsers
    2. requires enabled JavaScript

Using Voice Reader Web

2. Is the usage of more than one read button per webpage supported?

Yes, this is possible. Please create via the Voice Reader Web configuration tool (intuitive web form) as many read buttons as you wish to use on your website and implement them where you wish them to be displayed.

3. Can Voice Reader Web read out a marked text selection?

Yes, it is possible. If you choose the option ‘Enable Reading of the Selected Text’ in the configuration menu of Voice Reader Web the visitors of your website will be able to decide which parts of the text will be read out. After having marked the text to be read out and clicked on the read icon, the player will start reading the marked text.

4. Can I use an individual image as read icon? 

Yes, it is possible. In the configuration menu of Voice Reader Web the text field “Custom Icon” enables you to create a fully individual read icon.

If you want to use your own image, follow these steps:

  1. Create your individual image which you want to use as your  read icon.
  2. Save this image on your webserver. Be sure that it has public access.
  3. Insert the URL leading to the image into the “Custom Icon” field.
  4. Ensure that this URL starts with »http://«.

Example: http://www.mypage.com/read_icon.png