Text-to-Speech User reports

Voice Reader offers a wide range of application possibilities for professionals. Here are some user reports from a few of our top customers who already use Voice Reader. You can hear the feedback!

Read here the detailed text-to-speech user reports:

Text-to-Speech User reports - Die Presse.com “The read-out function from Linguatec has become an indispensable feature for our users. Voice Reader delivers very comprehensible results, which even do justice to the high journalistic quality of our texts.”
Michael Kirchberger, Head of DevelopmentRead the full user report from Die Presse.com (PDF)
“Immowelt.de is one of the front runners in terms of price-performance ratio, satisfaction and service quality. With the innovative read-aloud function Voice Reader Web, we are offering another convenient service that clearly sets Immowelt.de apart from other real-estate portals.”

Carsten Schlabritz, CEO of Immowelt AG

Read the full user report from Immowelt.de (PDF)

Text-to-Speech User reports - Immowelt
Text-to-Speech User reports - Bayerischer Rundfunk “The switch to Voice Reader Server went smoothly and according to schedule. The excellent support was also an important factor in our decision to choose Linguatec”

Barbara Malisch, chief spokesperson at BR and Head of Presentation

Read the full user report from Bayerischer Rundfunk (PDF – in German)

“The decision to use Voice Reader Studio was taken primarily because of the very good speech quality. Furthermore, we are very fond of being able to adjust the speech speeds in Voice Reader Studio. Service means increasing quality. But not costs.”

Helga Ahrens, Managing Director

Read the full user report from Ahrens Film- und Fernsehproduktion (PDF)

Text-to-Speech User reports - Ahrens Film
Text-to-Speech User reports - Brockhaus “The idea to provide the lexicon articles in MP3 format for mobile use was welcomed by users like the trade press.”

Martin Koch, Head of Content & Learning

Read the full user report from Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG (PDF)