Smart Translation Technology

The new SmartTranslation™ technology uses the SmartAnalyse™, SmartCorrect™, SmartLookup™ and SmartMemory™ features to ensure optimum translation results with the highest possible level of operating convenience.


Improve translation of difficult nested sentences:

“Just as it is difficult for every student to translate complicated sentence structures into a foreign language, machine translations will also struggle to get passed these kinds of obstacles. We have now improved the Personal Translator’s handling of the complexity of nested sentences and nightmare structures”, says Dr. Gregor Thurmair, Head of Linguistic Research & Development at Linguatec, in explaining the new SmartAnalyse function™. Similar to a human translator, SmartAnalyse™ can resolve complex structures and even idioms, and therefore achieve considerably better translation results. Positive additional effect: The translation is approx. 25% faster.

SmartAnalyse™ can accurately translate idioms and expressions (PT Professional) :

Translation examples: 

Original (Italian): Fortunatamente, Laura non arriccia il naso quando mi avvicino.
PT (English): Luckily, Laura does not turn up the nose when I approach.

Original (Italian): In teoria dovremmo arricciareil pelo; ma a causa di questa ottima partita abbiamo fatto i complimenti a la squadra.
PT (English): In theory we should bristle; but because of this excellent match we did the compliments to the team.

Original (Italian): Di conseguenza, ci sono numerose tecniche per arricciare i capelli con un metodo non chimico.
PT (English): Therefore, there are numerous techniques to curl the hair with a not chemical method.

Original (Spanish): Estamos listos a discutir con todos los que deponganlas armas.
PT (English): We are ready to discuss with everybody who lay downthe weapons.

Original (Spanish): Muchos de los legisladores rehusaron la idea de deponer al gobernante, ahora mismo, cuando faltan dos meses para las elecciones.
PT (English): Many of the legislators declined the idea of overthrowing the ruler, right now, when two months are missing for the elections.

Original (Spanish): Los testigos, quienes también depusieron, están todos los responsables políticos en estos países.
PT (English): The witnesses, who also made a statement, are all the responsible politicians in these countries.

Original (French): Si vous aimez claquer des doigts sur de la musique, ce n’est pas le bon concert à voir.
PT (English): If you like to snap fingers on music, it is not the good concert to see.

Original (French): Elle prenait plaisir à claquer ses talons sur le pavé de la cour.
PT (English): She took pleasure to click her heels on the paving of the courtyard.

Original (French): Il claquait la porte assez bruyamment.
PT (English): He slammed the door quite loudly.

Original (French): Le voyage m’a claqué.
PT (English): The travel exhausted me.

Original (Portuguese (BR) ): A clareza de mensagem depende da precisão com que articulamosas palavras.
PT (English): The message clearness depends on the precision with which we pronounce the words.

Original (Portuguese (BR)): Então, articulamos um encontro para apresentar a proposta ao Diretório Central.
PT (English): Then, we establish a meeting to present the offer to the Central Directorate.

Original (Portuguese (BR)): A geometria dos gregos consistia em diagramas e em texto que searticulavam em todas as coisas.
PT (English): The Greeks’ geometry was consisting in diagrams and text that were becoming linked in all the things.

Original (Portuguese (BR)): Brasil e Argentina articulam para substituir o dólar no comércio bilateral, diz Garcia.
PT (English): Brasil and Argentina unite to substitute the dollar in the bilateral trade, Garcia says.


Kick out the typo gremlin:
Correct texts (with e-mails for example) are more often the exception than the rule. Even the smallest typos and spelling mistakes can have a huge impact on the translation. SmartCorrect™ not only marks these kinds of mistakes like a normal spellchecker – on request it also corrects spelling that is obviously wrong during the translation process. The Personal Translator 18 can consequently produce a correct translation from a faulty original, e.g. “Nobody is prefect”. This makes cooperation with Google possible, where millions of documents have been analyzed for linguistic frequency.

SmartCorrect™ corrects typos and spelling mistakes

Translation examples:

Spanish: Este etsudio indica que son los maiorres mercados audiovisualies el frencés y el brittánico, los que regiestrarno las maiores pértidas.

Personal Translator English: This study indicates that the biggest audiovisual markets are the French and the British, who registered the biggest losses.

Personal Translator SmartCorrect Example Spanish-English

French: Nous somes une entreprisee spècialisé dans la technologe Windows, par conséqent nous sommes convaincuis, que nous pourions ausi suotenir vos nouveaux produits avec succès. Est-ce que vous êtes intéresés à une presentasion de la versoin françase?

Personal Translator English: We are a firm specialized in the technology Windows, therefore we are convinced, that we could also support your new products successfully. Are you interested in a presentation of the French version?

Personal Translator SmartCorrect Example French-English

Italian: Io volevo esere un advocato. Però, ho cammbiato la mia intenzione. Ora, mi piace divenitare un profesore di mathematica. Sono stato acettato alla facolltà di mathematica alla universitá di Firenze. Questo istitutto è un istitutto più prestigoso italiao.

Personal Translator English: I wanted to be a lawyer. However, I changed my intent. Now, I like to become a mathematics lecturer. I was accepted to the faculty of mathematics at the university of Florence. This institute is an Italian more prestigious institute.

Personal Translator SmartCorrect Example Italian-English

Portuguese: Senhor Marco Meirinhos semepre foi muito confiàvel e exstraordinário em nossa empressa. Ele desevolveu um óttimo relacionammento com tuodos collegas e teve uma funçião muito importante auqi.

PT English: Mister Marco Meirinhos always was very trustworthy and extraordinary in our enterprises. He developed a very good relationship with all colleagues and had a very important function here.

Personal Translator SmartCorrect Example Portuguese-English

German: Neiamnd ist perfeckt! Abre der Pesronal Transaltor hat jetz keine Probelme merh mit fehlehafter Ortohograpie, weil er eine neuie intelitente Technolgie einsettz: SmartCorrect™ erschleißt automatixh auus dem Knotext, wie der Orginaltxt korekterwiese geschriegen wrden msus.

PT English: Nobody is perfect! But the Personal Translator has no more problems with a faulty orthography now because it uses a new intelligent technology: SmartCorrect™ deduces from the context automatically how the original text must be written to be correct.

Personal Translator SmartCorrect Übersetzungsbeispiel


Per MouseOver into the dictionary:
Thousands of documents from the most diverse subject areas were analyzed for the dictionaries of the new Personal Translator 18. There are now more than a million dictionary entries, depending on the language and version. The Personal Translator 18 has also revolutionized how to look up entries. With SmartLookup™ you just have point to a word with your mouse to see its translation or to have it read out.


The intelligent translation memory :
A translation memory is a practical database of completed translations. If a sentence appears again to be translated, the revised, saved final version is used automatically. A relatively high level of concordance between the new sentence and the archived sentence is, however, required. This is where SmartMemory™ lends a hand! The Personal Translator 18 is intelligent enough to recognize proper names, locations and dates as parameters, and therefore enables significantly better synchronization between the current translation and the translation memory.

Sentence 1: Ms. Petra  Mehl from Munich will travel to Brazil on 24 January 2023.
Sentence 2: Ms. Schmidt from Castrop-Rauxel will travel to Recklinghausen on Monday 3 August 2022.

In a conventional translation memory only the words “from”, “will travel”, “to” and “on” are the same. Usually this is not enough to achieve a precise concordance or a “match”. The sentence cannot be found in the translation memory for the new translation.

SmartMemory™ applies the user’s parameter setting with its intelligent assignment of proper names, locations and time details:
Sentence 1: [proper name] from [location] will travel to [location] on [time details].
Sentence 2: [proper name] from [location] will travel to [location] on [time details].

Maximum concordance can therefore be achieved between the new sentence and the sentence saved in the translation memory. The new sentence can be translated with the help of the translation memory.